Browsing by author "Rodríguez Gonzá´lez, Covadonga "
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Obesity and metabolic syndrome induce hyperfiltration, glomerulomegaly, and albuminuria in obese ovariectomized female mice and obese male mice
Pérez Pérez, José Antonio; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Ana Elena; Donate Correa, Javier; Luis Lima, Sergio; Díaz Martín, Laura; Rodríguez Gonzá´lez, Covadonga; Acosta Gonzá´lez, Nieves Guadalupe; Fumero, Cecilia; Navarro Díaz, Maruja; López Á´lvarez, Dolores; Villacampa Jiménez, Jacobo; Navarro Gonzá´lez, José Antonio; Ortiz, Alberto; Porrini, Esteban