Academic mobility development in Russian education under the Bologna process
After the period of drastic changes in social policy of the 1990s (transition from communism to neoliberalism
and introduction of new public management), in the new century Russian education faced new challenges
– implementation of Bologna principles and internationalization of Russian Higher Education Institutes
(HEIs). Under the Bologna process, Russia launched some controversial reforms aimed at integration and
inclusion of Russian educational system into the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), one of the most
important principles of which is seen to be development of academic and professional mobility. The article
observes reforms made in the Russian Federation and initiatives of Russian Ministry of Education for academic
mobility development. Most of these initiatives are devoted to full study programs realization and not
to short-term mobility. Thus, it is found that 15 years after signing the Bologna declaration Russian system
is still hardly ready to short-term mobility programs realization despite of all reforms made. This article is
focused on analysis of the current situation of academic mobility development in Russia. It also identified
the reasons for the shortage of academic mobility program and recommends for further internationalization
of Russian HEIs.