Lisa St Aubin de Terán: la otra aventurera romántica
Oliva Cruz, Juan Ignacio
Lisa St Aubin de Terán’s works: Keepers of the House (1982), The
High Place (1985) and Off the Rails: Memoirs of a Train Addict (1990),
two novels and a book of poetry, are discussed under the perspective of
a romantic trace. After a study of the magic realism and the exoticism
of the South American setting of the first two books, an analysis of the
third is made upon the basis of its possible inclusion in the decadent
literature of the fin de siècle. The autobiographical references, the
hypersensitivity, the literary narcissism, the treatment of the self, among
others, are elements that contribute to situate this writer in the revival
of the realist literature of the nineteenth century. Also, the leitmotif of
the journey as a way of evasion and the use of alcohol to escape from
cruel reality, transform the vital experience of an artist into a literary
representation of the romantic paradox of sublimation and damnation,
and lead to the contradictions of the author as prophet and martyr of
literature and life.