Transferencia de conocimiento en equipos de desarrollo de software – Mapeo Sistemático
The acquisition of new knowledge, by means of teaching
programming languages, tools, methodologies, and
development processes, is a need in the software industry to
retain the experience of the programmer within the
organization. This work aims analysing existing research on
techniques, tools, approaches and experiences applied to the
transmission and acquisition of new knowledge.
Additionally, to analyse the learning process within an
organizational environment, and how a company captures,
maintains and transmits the knowledge. We conducted a
survey to identify the software practitioner needs regarding
experience and knowledge transfer. Once we could realize
there is a challenge to manage the knowledge, a systematic
mapping of the literature is carried out. We have considered
works published between 2007 and 2019. 51 articles were
selected, 71% are studies in industry, 29% are focused on
university education. Our findings reveal the great challenge
involved in studying the acquisition and exchange of new
knowledge. Additionally, we were supported with an initial
survey to validate results. Much of the literature focuses on
analysing academic processes, more research is needed on the
process of learning new knowledge with respect to
programming languages, tools, methodologies, cycles and
development processes in the software industry.