Influence of pitch angle errors in 3D scene reconstruction scene reconstruction
U-V disparity is a technique that is commonly used to detect obstacles in 3D scenes,
modeling them as a set of vertical planes. In this paper, the authors describe the general lines of a
method based on this technique for fully reconstructing 3D scenes, and conduct an analytical study
of its performance and sensitivity to errors in the pitch angle of the stereoscopic vision system. The
equations of the planes calculated for a given error in this angle yield the deviation with respect to
the ideal planes (with a zero error in the angle) for a large test set consisting of planes with different
orientations, which is represented graphically to analyze the method’s qualitative and quantitative
performance. The relationship between the deviation of the planes and the error in the pitch angle
is observed to be linear. Two major conclusions are drawn from this study: first, that the deviation
between the calculated and ideal planes is always less than or equal to the error considered in the
pitch angle; and second, that even though in some cases the deviation of the plane is zero or very
small, the probability that a plane of the scene deviates from the ideal by the greatest amount possible,
which matches the error in the pitch angle, is very high.