WebAVALIA: Melhoria do Algoritmo de uma Ferramenta eAssessment Baseado num Inquérito ao Utilizador
There has been an increased use of workgroups
during Problem-Based Learning (PBL) activities, which have
implied the emergence of self and peer evaluation practices in
education. In turn, these practices have highlighted the
importance of e-assessment tools where the collection of
feedback is regarded. The consideration of the students’ self
and peer assessment about a project has influence on their
individual mark. Literature states that e-assessment tools need
to consider restrictions in the students’ distribution of scores
during the self and peer assessment. An emerging technology
that has recently started to be applied in the development of
software tools is Machine Learning. This technology allows the
possibility to implement algorithms that can process the
students’ feedback about their marks, increasing the efficiency
on the methodology implemented. This paper presents a
framework that collects feedback of a survey and translates
those results in parameter values that will dynamically change
the distribution function of the final individuals’ mark. The
advantages and restrictions of different solutions for the
framework, based on the literature, are also discussed. Finally,
there is the presentation of WEBAVALIA, a free software tool
where the framework will be implemented, improving its
usability, user experience, flexibility, and efficiency.